
Dec 12, 2010

‘Boy from Mars’ predicts catastrophe on Earth in 2011

Boriska, known as the boy genius from Mars, has predicted a great catastrophe on Earth in 2011, attracting attention from the world.

A boy named Boris Kipriyanovich, 14, or Boriska, is called “Boy from Mars,” as he claimed that he was a Martian in his previous life.

His mother claimed that he could hold up his head in 15 days after his birth and started talking in eight months. He hardly cried and suffered diseases unlike other children, according to her.

This time, Boriska has predicted that Earth will suffer great catastrophe in 2011. He already predicted in 2008 that the first great catastrophe would take place on one of the continents of Earth in 2009. Some believe that the catastrophe is the massive earthquake erupted in Sichuan Province, China, which claimed hundreds of thousands of lives.

At that time, Boriska predicted that three catastrophes would take place on one continent in 2011 and a greater one in 2013. People are wondering whether the predictions would come true and are fearing what kinds of catastrophes would take place.

His genius has been recognized by Dr. Stephen Hawkings. Boriska is reported to have started explain about the universe at the age of 3. Dr. Hawkings reportedly praised what he said about the universe. He explained about planets and satellites in the universe and where the Milky Way is located. Dr. Hawkings reportedly warned that his prophecy should not be neglected, saying that he is out of my imagination about the knowledge on the universe and astronomy in disregard whether or not he is from Mars.

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